A gay girl's experience in online dating...

Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Misadventure


I’m Luna.

Most people call me Lu. Or sometimes Lulu, but I don’t really like it when they do that.

This is me. Luna. I got my hair cut for this picture. Do you like it?

This is my blog. I’m very excited about it. Even though I’m 95% sure no-one will ever read it other than my Best Friend Nora, I’m still excited. I think it’s going to be fun.  Plus there’s still that 5% of me that thinks that someone might accidently stumble across it while looking for Luna Lovegood fanfiction or something.  And maybe they’ll stick around a while to read it and like it and that’ll be nice.

It doesn’t really matter if anyone else reads it or not though. I’m doing this thing because I needed a project and after a bottle and a half of Pinot Grigio doing this felt like a really good idea. It didn’t feel like as much of a good idea the next morning but I have decided to do it anyway because I haven’t thought of anything else.

I needed to do something. I’ve reached that dreaded stage of life where everything stays is the same. And it stays the same. Nothing changes anymore. I got through being a kid, school, uni, part-time jobs, travelling, temping. All these phases where there is a goal in sight. An end date. Now I’m working full-time in a job that is fine but not is not going to make me a millionaire / super famous / creatively satisfied anytime soon. And that’s all there is to it. I don’t know what comes next. I need something to change.  I should clarify now that this isn’t about to turn into an emo blog, nobody understands me I hate my life blah blah blah. That’s not what this is. I do have a pretty good life. I have a family who love and support me. I have a small number of close friends including the aforementioned Best Friend Nora who would punch someone in the face just because I asked her to. I have just enough money to buy food, pay rent and read a lot of books. I have a lot of good things going for me. Just so you know.

The thing is... I don’t have a girlfriend (I don’t have a boyfriend either, but I’m not so interested in getting one of those). I’ve never really had a girlfriend. Not a real one. And by that I don’t mean I’ve had imaginary ones – I’m not insane – I mean I’ve never had a proper, grown up, shit just got real relationship with another human. I’ve always evaded commitment and instead of a girlfriend tended to end up with ‘cute girl I’m kind of seeing’, ‘special friend I like to sleep with’ or ‘pretty barista in Beanscene I sometimes can’t help but stare at’.  

I’ve never looked someone in the eye and told them I was in love with them. I’ve never walked down the street holding somebody’s hand just because I couldn’t make myself let go. I’ve never called someone by an embarrassing nickname like cupcake or panda. I genuinely don’t mind being single at all. I actually kind of like it most of the time but lately I’ve been thinking I’d like to try all of these things. I hear they are nice.

So I’m thinking of giving the ‘girlfriend’ thing a go. Just to see what happens.  The ‘what’ isn’t the problem though. It’s the ‘how’ that’s tricky. How exactly does one find a girlfriend? Or even a potential girlfriend? I’ve never been very good at meeting people, particularly not in bars or clubs. Whenever I go out to I just want to drink wine and then dance around like a complete idiot.  Even if I try not to, the evening will inevitably end up with Best Friend Nora and I attempting to Riverdance to BeyoncĂ©. While this is a technique that does tend to attract attention, it’s rarely the good kind. The lady-wanting-to-kiss-me kind. It’s usually more the ‘WTF is wrong with you?’ kind.
So anyway, I figured I needed another way to meet people.  I know meeting people online is hardly a revolution, but I’ve always avoided the idea of online dating. It seemed like such a weird concept to me. Now it just seems to make more sense though. The internet has always been there for me in the past. When My So-Called Life was inexplicably cancelled after one year, it was the internet that assured me everything would be ok. When I decided to move to the other side of the world for a year, it was the internet that stopped me from being homesick. And when the world was telling me it was wrong to be gay, it was the internet that helped me realised it was actually pretty f*cking awesome. The internet is where I get my news, shoes, books and banking. Why can’t it be where I also get a date? The people of the internets are weird, crazy, wonderful bunch and I want to meet them. Or some of them at least.

So that’s my point. I got here eventually. I’m going to do some internet dating and I’m going to write about it. Just because. Why should you care? You probably shouldn’t. But if you are for some reason reading this, stick around. Just in case you start caring. You never know.